by David "Psy" Deppner | Oct 14, 2019 | Fallacies
“Did you hear the news? More people perform product searches on Amazon than Google now.” This buzz started a couple of years ago, and since then, it’s picked up. Seems like every month or two we see a new headline about the latest data. Sometimes the headline...
by David "Psy" Deppner | Sep 24, 2019 | Ad Strategies
Advertising profitably on your brand terms requires some dynamic strategy and a real appreciation for the game you’re playing. Whether you advertise on your brand terms or not, you’re already caught up in that game… and the rules are designed to drive profit to...
by David "Psy" Deppner | Aug 28, 2019 | Ad Strategies
Things are changing a lot in the search ad arena. There is a steady ongoing shift of traffic from organic to paid search. You can’t fight it. Any profitable searches are going to be bought by competitors if you don’t pay for them. And increasingly that also means...
by David "Psy" Deppner | Aug 23, 2019 | Analytics
Everywhere we turn, we’re being bombarded by propaganda from the major advertising platforms: “You need to move beyond Last Click attribution!” Google is always pushing the Data-Driven attribution model, and that certainly sounds good. But...
by David "Psy" Deppner | Aug 16, 2019 | Ad Strategies
Smart Bidding (aka Automated Bidding Algorithms) is touted as an intelligent way to help manage bids on ad accounts. It is purported to work better than human bidding, save tremendous time, and achieve greater financial results. Machine learning will save us from a...